Catholic Education

The purpose of the Church is to teach the Gospel that Jesus revealed to the Apostles, and to pass on the presence of the living Christ through the Sacraments. For this reason, the Church is deeply involved in primary, secondary and tertiary education as well as the on-going education and formation of adults.

The essence of the Church's approach is that education should embrace the whole human person, meeting the intellectual and social needs of the time, and developing the moral and spiritual characteristics that are the true foundation of life on earth and the guide to eternal life. The life of humanity is expressed in relationships, and the primary relationship is with God. Without this relationship, all else is impoverished.

  • Schools

    The Catholic Education system in Western Australia provides a dynamic, student-centred approach to education for more than 74,000 young people in 158 schools and colleges across the state. With a focus on the development of the whole person, Catholic Education is the state’s second largest education sector, educating some 18 per cent of all school-aged children in Western Australia.

  • Universities

    The University of Notre Dame Australia provides higher education within a context of Catholic faith and values. Founded through an Act of Parliament in 1989, the university has emerged from humble beginnings to become a distinctive national university, with over 11,000 students enrolled on its three campuses in Fremantle, Sydney and Broome. The Fremantle Campus is located in the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth.

  • Catholic Education Agencies

    Agencies and associations that provide services in the Education sector in the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth