Mature men of good health, active in parish life and informed in their Catholic faith: open to personal, spiritual theological and ministerial formation over at least four years.
Mature men of good health, active in parish life and informed in their Catholic faith: open to personal, spiritual theological and ministerial formation over at least four years.
An ordained deacon will be appointed by the Archbishop to a parish or other ministry the Archdiocese requires.
An ordained deacon will be appointed by the Archbishop to a parish or other ministry the Archdiocese requires.
Suitable applicants will be required to attend a 12-month course of formal enquiry (Propaedeutec year) to the Permanent Diaconate. Then will follow three or more years of formal instruction and practical training. The wives and families are encouraged to attend the lectures with their husbands.
Deacons must be willing to take part in continuing formation and supervision after ordination.
Suitable applicants will be required to attend a 12-month course of formal enquiry (Propaedeutec year) to the Permanent Diaconate. Then will follow three or more years of formal instruction and practical training. The wives and families are encouraged to attend the lectures with their husbands.
Deacons must be willing to take part in continuing formation and supervision after ordination.
He must be 35 years of age at the time of admission to the Formation Program and normally no more than 60-65 years of age of Ordination. If married, he must be validly married for at least 5 years.
Marries applicants must also have the full support of their spouse and family. The applicant’s wife will be asked for her written support.
All applicants will need the support and recommendation of their Parish Priests
He must be 35 years of age at the time of admission to the Formation Program and normally no more than 60-65 years of age of Ordination. If married, he must be validly married for at least 5 years.
Marries applicants must also have the full support of their spouse and family. The applicant’s wife will be asked for her written support.
All applicants will need the support and recommendation of their Parish Priests
Rev Fr Peter Bianchini opd@perthcatholic.org.au
The Vocations’ Director Fr Israel Quirit vocations@perthcatholic.org.au
Rev Fr Peter Bianchini opd@perthcatholic.org.au
The Vocations’ Director Fr Israel Quirit vocations@perthcatholic.org.au