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St Charles' Seminary

St Charles’ Seminary is a place of formation for Catholic priests in Western Australia. Located east of the city in Guildford, the seminary is part of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth and is presently under the jurisdiction of Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB. Once a seminarian has completed his formation and has been ordained to the priesthood, he will then serve in his own diocese.

Seminarians from the Provincial Dioceses of Broome, Geraldton and Bunbury also receive their formation at St Charles’ Seminary, as well as religious congregations, when requested.

The Seminary provides a comprehensive SEVEN-year course in human, spiritual, pastoral and academic formation. The University of Notre Dame assists the Seminary in the academic formation program.

Rector:Fr Francis Nguyen
Vice Rector/Dean of Studies:Fr Joseph Laundy


Location:30 Meadow Street, Guildford WA 6055, Australia
Mailing Address:PO Box 134, Guildford WA 6935, Australia
Telephone:+61 (08) 9279 1310
Fax:+61 (08) 9279 2772