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Assessing Pastoral Priorities in Light of the Joy of Love | Amoris Laetita

Amoris Laetitia is a beautiful testimony to God’s original plan for the human family. It is a core part of Pope Francis’ charter for mercy and speaks in hope-filled joyful, simple yet realistic terms of love, marriage and familial relationships. It offers hope in particular to all those living in fragile and wounded family situation and calls for the Church to integrate them more fully into its life and accompany them with mercy. Professor Conway has lectured widely on the writings of Pope Francis and is author of a Study Guide to Amoris Laetitia entitled The Joy of Love: Love in the Family. Tuesday, August 11, 6pm St John of God Murdoch Hospital. Further info: Leigh Dawson 08 9433 0569 or 0405 441 093; or