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90th Anniversary Celebration and Reunion - St Mary's/St Joseph's School - Merredin

St Mary’s and St Joseph’s School Merredin cordially invite all past, present students and staff to the 90th Anniversary Celebration and Reunion on Saturday 14 October. School Fete 10-2pm, unveilining and blessing of commemorative statue; afternoon tea and memorabilia display 1pm; 2.30-3.30pm Classrooms open; Reunion Dinner at Cummins Theatre 6.30pm.

Tickets $35 per person and payable at time of booking, limited numbers. We are collecting memorabilia if you have any items, please contact us. For tickets or 08 9041 1907, Direct Debit, BSB 036105, Account Number 890753. Licensed bar on the night. Click here for flyer.

Further info: Teresa Cutri 0417 927 206 or