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APMN Conference 2017

The third Australian Pastoral Musicians Network (APMN) Conference will be on 5 to 7 October at the Rendezvous Hotel, Scarborough. The theme of this year’s Conference is ‘Sing with Joy! United in Diversity’. Attendance at all days of the conference will give participants 6 hours of ongoing renewal, knowledge component Accreditation in Catholic schools Western Australia. Keynote presenters include pre-eminent contemporary composer of Liturgical Music David Haas and Director of the ACU Centre for Liturgy and Chair of the National Liturgical Music Board Professor Clare Johnson. 

Click here to watch Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton's invitation. To learn more about APMN, visit their website by Clicking Here or read The Record's account Here and Here

Further info: Conference Convenor, Angela Gorman (Bendotti) at or on 0407 389 751To register: Click Here