Social Justice Sunday
The Australian Catholic Social Justice Council (ACSJC) will launch the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice Statement for 2017–2018 entitled, ‘Everyone’s Business: Developing an inclusive and sustainable economy’ on Sunday 24 September. In this year’s Statement, the Catholic Bishops of Australia consider the economic priorities of Australia. They draw from the teachings of Pope Francis and his predecessors to highlight how the exclusion of poor and vulnerable citizens from the benefits of economic growth, reveal a lack of justice in the economic system itself. They draw on new understandings of development in the spheres of social and economic policy to highlight how the wellbeing of humans and all of creation must be an economy’s central purpose. The Statement calls for a new approach that prevents exclusion from the outset and engages all people as dignified contributors to sustainable and economic growth. Click here letter from Archbishop Denis Hart, President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. Click here for SJS summary and click here for order form for Statement.Further info: John Ferguson, or 02 8306 3499.