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Personal Advocacy Service

- Address
28 Holdhurst Way, Morley WA 6062, Australia
- Mailing
PO Box 1261, Morley WA 6943, Australia
- Phone
(08) 9275 5388
- Email
- Website
- Established
Organisation Details

Personal Advocacy Service is an outreach of the Catholic Church providing one to one friendships and advocacy support for people with intellectual disabilities (PWID). They also assist parishes to identify and actively invite PWID into the full life of their parish community.  

The service is currently open to adults, irrespective of their faith background. The program operates through network groups in which parish community volunteers (advocates) and their friends with disabilities receive ongoing support and encouragement from Group Facilitators and fellow Advocates.  

For many people with intellectual disabilities living independently or isolated from family contact, this ongoing friendship/relationship is perhaps one of the only constants in their lives. Being in a small group and linked one to one with volunteers from the local community encourages a variety of relationships to develop and the growth of trust and faith. In time and with support, opportunities in the community increase.  

The program to assist parishes to invite PWID into the community life is a new initiative to make the church community a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all people. 

Mr Ray Ryan
Personal Advocacy Service