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Professional Standards Office


The Catholic Archdiocese of Perth recognises its responsibility in relation to the abuse of children in its care.

The Catholic Church in Australia is served by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference which is the permanent collegial assembly of the Bishops of Australia.

Creating a safe Church is a dynamic process that involves active participation and responsibility by all leaders, clergy, church workers and the wider church community including parents and families. The Archdiocese is committed to making this possible through collaboration, vigilance and proactive approaches across legislation, policies, procedures and practices.

The WA Professional Standards Office (WAPSO)

WAPSO is responsible for coordinating an effective response to historical complaints of abuse made against personnel of the Catholic Church in the Province of Western Australia, as required by the National Response Protocol (NRP) for Church Authorities in Australia.

The National Response Protocol underpins all aspects of the response of the Province of Western Australia which reinforces the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards.

WAPSO, while an office of the Catholic Church, exercises functional independence in order to run the church-based complaint process. WAPSO serves as a point of contact for survivors and offers support and assists them in seeking a response from the responsible Church Entity.

WAPSO continues to:

  • Assist adult survivors who have been subjected to historical child abuse including sexual, physical, psychological, neglect, ill-treatment and exploitation.
  • Report all sexual abuse allegations to the WA Police Force.
  • Remain strongly committed to environments that are safe and supportive.


Director :Mrs Saxon Gee
Address:29 Victoria Square PERTH WA 6000 Australia
Mail:29 Victoria Square PERTH WA 6000 Australia
Phone:(08) 9221 7762
1800 072 390




More information is found on the Safeguarding website.