Focolare Movement

- Address
47 Corrington Cir, Nollamara WA 6061, Australia
- Mailing
47 Corrington Cir, Nollamara WA 6061, Australia
- Phone
(08) 9349 4052
- Email
- Website
- Established
Organisation Details

The Focolare Movement (also called Work of Mary) is an ecclesial movement of spiritual and social renewal. Its founder is Chiara Lubich (1920-2008). Its members form a global community; they represent the most diverse ethnic and cultural groups and come from every social background.  

Focolare's spirituality, inspired by the Gospel, generates a way of life that responds to widespread questions on the meaning of life and on authenticity. Reciprocal love has revealed a "paradigm of unity", a "code" for spiritual and social renewal.  

The Movement strives to contribute to bringing about peace and unity in the world. To bring this about, it follows the path of dialogue while avoiding syncretism and completely respecting each person's identity. This dialogue is developed in all directions, engaging Christians from various Churches, members of other religions, people with no religious affiliation and different fields of contemporary culture. 


Contact: Clarissa Urban