Apostles of Perpetual Adoration
- Address
49 Jugan St, Glendalough WA 6016, Australia
- Mailing
49 Jugan St, Glendalough WA 6016, Australia
- Phone
(08) 9444 6131
- Fax
(08) 9443 3240
- Website
- Established
Organisation Details
Aims to establish Perpetual Adoration in parishes
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If you would like to learn more about Eucharistic Adoration, take a permanent hour each week or help out on a temporary basis at a time that suits you, please contact:
Parish . . . . . . . . . . . .Suburb . . . . . . . Call for hours or entry code St Benedict . . . . . . . Applecross . . . . 9364 1120 St Lawrence . . . . . . Balcatta . . . . . . .9445 2346 St Joseph’s . . . . . . . Bassendean . . . 6278 1013 Holy Spirit . . . . . . . .City Beach . . . . . 9341 3131 St Bernadette’s . . . .Glendalough . . . .9444 6131 All Saints . . . . . . . . .Greenwood . . . . 9447 6225 Sacred Heart . . . . . .Highgate . . . . . . 9328 3433 Good Shepherd . . . .Kelmscott . . . . . 9495 1204 St Jude’s . . . . . . . . . Langford . . . . . .9458 1946 St Brigid’s . . . . . . . . Midland . . . . . . .9274 1495 St Gerard Majella . . Mirrabooka . . . . 9344 2609 Holy Rosary . . . . . . .Nedlands . . . . . 9386 1870 Our Lady of Grace . .North Beach . . .9448 7845 St Simon Peter . . . . Ocean Reef . . . 9300 4692 St Jerome’s . . . . . . . Spearwood . . . .9418 1229 Our Lady Queen . . . Willagee . . . . . .9337 1949 of Peace