New Chapel Site dedicated at St Charles' Day Celebration

Article and photos by Fr Robert Cross

Archbishop Hickey of Perth, Bishop Saunders of Broome, Bishop Bianchini of Geraldton and Bishop Sproxton, together with around 120 priests and seminarians from across the State, gathered at St Charles' Seminary on 8 November for the annual St Charles' Day Jubilarian Mass and lunch.


Photo: Jubilarians (L to R) Fr Patrick Lim, Fr Nicholas Perrera, Fr Edward Hewitt & Fr Alfonsas Savickis

At the conclusion of Mass Monsignor Kevin Long, Rector of St Charles' Seminary,  announced that a new chapel would be built on the grounds of the Seminary, and then introduced the project architect, Mr Fred Chayney to speak about the plans.

The clergy and seminarians were then invited to move outdoors to the proposed site of the new chapel, which will overlooking the Swan River floodplain.

 Archbishop Hickey then blessed the site, turned the first sod and unveiled a commemorative plaque.


The chapel will be a welcome addition to St Cahrles' Seminary and is an expression of faith in its future.

View more photos in event's Photo Gallery