An Evening Praying with Ivan

An Evening Praying with Ivan

Article and photographs by Fr Robert Cross

On Tuesday, February 22, Ivan Dragicevic, one of the six visionaries of the alleged apparitions of Medjugorje was in St Mary’s Cathedral to address a packed Cathedral and pray together to Mary.

The evening began at 6:00pm with the rosary. Soon after, kneeling before the altar in the Chapel of Our Lady, Ivan received an alleged apparition. The congregation looked on in silence. At the conclusion Ivan simply made the sign of the Cross, arose and took his place in the front pew before the main sanctuary. Fr Timothy Deeter gave Benediction and Mass followed.

Ivan who is married with three children dedicates his time to spreading the message of Our Lady with an emphasis on family life and youth in our time. He and his family live half of the year in Medjugorje and the other half of the year in the United States.

At the present moment Rome has not made a formal pronouncement on the alleged apparitions. In 2009 Pope Benedict XVI set up a commission of enquiry into the authenticity of the alleged apparitions of Medjugorje
