Archbishop Hickey Welcomes Romanian Orthodox Bishop Mihail to St Mary's Cathedral

Article and Photographs by Fr R Cross

During a visit to Perth by the Romanian Orthodox Bishop for Australia, His Grace Bishop Mihail, was welcomed by Archbishop Hickey at St Mary's Cathedral.

After exchanging warm greetings, Archbishop Hickey was introduced to Romanian Orthodox priests Fr Vassili, Sydney and Fr Doru, Perth. In attendance also were Fr Robert Cross and Mr Philp Shields. Mr Shields is the Convenor of the Catholic Archdiocesan Taskforce for Catholic Orthodox Bridgebuilding (CATCOB), and is also a recipeint of the Romanian Patriarchal Cross from the former Romanian Orthodox Patriarch Teoctist, for services to ecumenical relationships between the Romanian Orthodox and Catholic Churches.

ArchbishopHickeyRomanOrthodoxBishopMihail-Jun2011-4  ArchbishopHickeyRomanOrthodoxBishopMihail-Jun2011-3


Archbishop Hickey, together with Fr Robert Cross, gave the visitors a tour of the Cathedral. Afterwards, the party adjourned to the Cathedral Presbytery for morning tea and an exchange of gifts.

ArchbishopHickeyRomanOrthodoxBishopMihail-Jun2011-5  ArchbishopHickeyRomanOrthodoxBishopMihail-Jun2011-5
