Visit of Malankara Syrian Orthodox Bishop

Article and Photographs by Fr R Cross

On Monday 16 April, Malankara Syrian Orthodox Bishop, His Grace Paulose Mor Ireneous, paid a courtesy visit to the Archbishop of Perth, His Grace Timothy Costelloe.


  L to R: Fr Jomon Thomas, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, Bishop Paulose Mor Ireneous and Fr  Boutros Touma Issa

Bishop Pailos Mor Ireneous was accompanied by Fr Jomon Thomas and Mr Matthew Samuel as well as the Very Reverend Father Chorepiscopus Boutros Touma Issa and Reverend Deacon Theodore Issa of the Syrian Orthodox Church in Perth.

During the meeting, Bishop Pailos Mor Ireneous presented Archbishop Costelloe with a Ponnada as a sign of respect for the Archbishop. The Ponnada consists of a fine woven cloth with a golden silver stitched border and is placed around the shoulders of the recipient.

The Malankara Syrian Orthodox Christians in Perth come under the Patriarch of Antioch in Damascus and is called St Peter's Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church.

The community regularly celebrates  Holy Mass (Malayalam Qurbana) at St Thomas More Chapel in Mounts Bay Road Crawley.

The following website provides more information about the St Peter's Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church:


L to R: Deacon Theodore Issa, Fr Jomon Thomas, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, Bishop Paulose Mor Ireneous and Fr  Boutros Touma Issa and Mr Mathew Samuel