Invitation to Perth launch of A Year of Grace

Article: B Spinks; Image: supplied

A Year of Grace will be launched in Perth with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB of Perth at 5pm on Pentecost Sunday, 27 May at St Mary’s Cathedral.

Archbishop Costelloe invites all parishioners to attend the Launch.

A Year of Grace candle for each parish will be blessed during the Mass and organisers hope that this candle will become a focal point for A Year of Grace in each parish community.

The Faith Centre will be working closely with Perth’s Year of Grace coordinator, Paddy Buckley to support the initiative of the Australian Catholic Bishops to have a shared national focus with A Year of Grace.

The Faith Centre is encouraging parish priests to appoint a Year of Grace representative with whom they can liaise about projects, events, ideas and resources to support A Year of Grace in Perth.

Archbishop Costelloe gave presentations to Archdiocesan priests on 24 and 26 April at The Faith Centre to introduce them to the concept.

Visit The Faith Centre in person or online to keep up to date with A Year of Grace in the Perth Archdiocese.

What is A Year of Grace?

From Archbishop Coleridge, here is some extracted information about A Year of Grace from

A Year of Grace is the Australian bishops' gift to the Church to celebrate and renew our faith and life as Catholics. It will begin at Pentecost 2012 and is an exhortation from the bishops of Australia to "Start afresh from Christ."

The Year of Grace has been like a seed, being watered gently and growing with tender care. It comes from the bishops' reflection over a number of years on the Apostolic letter Novo Millennio Ineunte (at the start of the new millennium).

This letter recalls the events in Rome during the Jubilee year of 2000 and Bl Pope John Paul II's challenge to the whole Church to "contemplate the face of Christ."

We warmly welcome you to this site and hope that it will be a space of prayer; a place to seek resources and a place of information for you as we go on this journey together in the Catholic Church in Australia.

+ Archbishop Mark Coleridge
Chair, Bishop's Working Party – Year of Grace