Knights of the Southern Cross Fulfil Pledge to Cathedral Restoration and Completion

In 2006, the Knights of the Southern Cross pledged $1 million to the restoration and completion of St Mary’s Cathedral, specifying it was to be used for the restoration and enhancement of the Dodd Organ.

Last week, 3 October, current State Chairman of the Knights of the Southern Cross, Mr George Sekulla and State Executive Officer, Mr Rod McAtee, met Monsignor Keating at St Mary’s Cathedral to present a cheque for $100,000, the final portion to be paid of the pledge of $1 million dollars.


In presenting the cheque to Monsignor Keating, Mr Sekulla said: “This was a significant undertaking by the members of our Order and we are truly delighted, as the ‘Bishop’s Men’, to have been a part of such a magnificent project. Just look at what has been achieved – we have helped to achieve the dream of completing St Mary’s Cathedral and what a magnificent Cathedral it is.”

“As a lay Order of substance with a significant role to play in today’s Church, our members were absolutely committed to honouring our pledge, an opportunity for us to demonstrate leadership to the Catholic and wider community.”

“When men and women of Faith work together, there is nothing that cannot be achieved.”

In response, Monsignor Keating said: “As Dean of St Mary’s Cathedral and Chairman of the Cathedral Appeal, I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to every member of the Knights of the Southern Cross for their wonderful support.”

“There is no question that your collective leadership and generosity, at the very start of our appeal journey, provided the inspiration which encouraged many others to be equally as supportive and generous. You are to be congratulated, one and all.”