Centenary Novena Commences in Cathedral

Article and Photos by Fr R Cross

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB presided and preached at the opening of a Novena to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Perth Archdiocesan Cathedral named in her honour.

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The Novena, which is an annual event, takes on a special signifance this year as 2013 marks the centenary year of Perth becoming an Archdiocese. Everyone is invited to take part in the Novena which will conclude on Sunday evening, 8 December, at 7pm.

To mark this important historical event, the Archbishop will be the principal celebrant at a Pontifical Mass in St Mary's Cathedral on Monday 9 December at 7pm, to which all clergy, religious and people of the Archdicoese are invited and encouraged to attend.
For this significant liturgical celebration, Archbishop Costelloe will be joined by a special guest, the Apostolic Nuncio of Australia, The Most Rev Paul Gallagher. At the conclusion of the Mass, Archbishop Costelloe will solemnly re-dedicate the Cathedral and the Archdiocese to Our Lady under her title of the Immaculate Conception.
