Australian Catholic Council for Employment Relations Meets in Perth

Article and Photorgaph by Fr R Cross

Archbishop Hickey hosted the members of the Australian Catholic Council for Employment Relations (ACCER) for dinner at the Cathedral Presbytery on Tuesday 16 August. Amongst those present were Bishop Matthys and Mr Brian Lawrence (Chairman of ACCER).

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference established the ACCER to advise the Bishops Commission for Administration and Information on:
• - The promotion of the life and mission of the Catholic Church in Australia in the area of work and the employment relationship.
• - Matters relating to work and the employment relationship in areas of Catholic employment.
• - Advocacy in support of work and the employment relationship in Australian society, based on Catholic Social Doctrine and in co-operation with the Bishops Commission for Health and Community Service and the Bishops Commission for Justice and Development.


One area of discussion was the recent conference in Rome commemorating the 50th anniversary of the social encyclical, Mater et Magister, and a paper given at that conference by Mr Brian Lawrence titled, “Applying Catholic Doctrine on Minimum Wages in the Context of Globalisation: The Australian Experience”.
