Mary's Yes to Jesus



People thronged to St Mary’s Cathedral, the mother church of the Archdiocese of Perth, to celebrate one of the most important dates in the calendar of the Archdiocese of Perth, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. This great feast, which celebrates the conception of Mary, Jesus’ Mother, without sin in her own mother’s womb, saw Masses celebrated from dawn to dusk with hundreds of people converging to honour Mary and to worship Christ.

Archbishop Emeritus Barry Hickey was the main celebrant at the midday Mass. A packed cathedral was then invited to an impromptu lunch in the grounds of the cathedral hosted by Pregnancy Assistance, a Perth ministry that seeks to help any woman worried that she may be pregnant or who is facing an unplanned pregnancy, plus the father and other family members of the woman concerned.

Pregnancy Assistance director, Lara Malin, shared how the ministry’s volunteers and friends wished to “be welcoming to people who pass by as a sign to them that our work is about offering a house of welcome”.

“The food and drink we are offering”, she went on to say, “were provided for free. This is a reminder that God is constantly wanting to feed those who are hungry or thirsty both physically and spiritually without cost. We are offering lunch with no other reason other than to be witnesses to this reality.

“We wished to offer lunch in the setting of a garden as Mary is the new Eve and draws us back, through Christ, into the Garden of Eden and into full relationship with God.”

Later in the day, Archbishop Costelloe celebrated Mass in honour of Mary. He spoke in his homily about how, “at a time when the Church is facing many challenges, Mary's role, and her prayerful presence among us, is more important than ever”.

“Without Mary's "yes",” the Archbishop said, “without her "let it be done to me as God wills", the Lord Jesus would not have been born and we would not now be preparing to celebrate his birth in just a few weeks' time.

“God does not and will not force himself upon us - he awaits for us to respond to him in freedom and in love. And this of course is what being truly free means.

Speaking of the struggle everyone feels at times to give a total "yes" to God Archbishop Costelloe stated that “we should rejoice that when it was needed most one of us was so free, through God's grace, that she could on our behalf and in our name say "yes" to the gift of the Saviour.”


Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

Homily by the Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB, Archbishop of Perth
8 December 2014 - St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is an invitation for all of us, once again, to turn our eyes to Mary, the Mother of the Lord, and allow her to help us understand the beauty and the mystery of our Christian faith. We know that the Lord, as he was dying on the cross, gave Mary to us to be our Mother, and we know too that when he fulfilled his promise to send his Holy Spirit to the Church, that Church gathered in the presence of Mary to pray for, and await, the coming of the Spirit. Both the presence of Mary at the foot of the cross and her presence in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost remind us of just how closely tied Mary is to the Church. Blessed Pope Paul VI gave expression to this when, during the Second Vatican Council, he formally proclaimed Mary as "Mother of the Church". At a time when the Church is facing many challenges Mary's role, and her prayerful presence among us, is more important than ever.

The feast we are celebrating today, which is of course the patronal feast of our Cathedral and of our Archdiocese, is very closely tied to another feast in the life of the Church, the feast of the Annunciation, and this feast in its turn points us very directly to the great feast of Christmas which is now so close.

The Feast of the Annunciation is the celebration of Mary's "yes" to God's call to her to become the mother of the Saviour. As the beautiful prayer, the Angelus, reminds us, because of that "yes" the Word became flesh and lived among us. Without Mary's "yes", without her "let it be done to me as God wills", the Lord Jesus would not have been born and we would not now be preparing to celebrate his birth in just a few weeks' time.

We can begin to understand then just how vital Mary's response to the Angel Gabriel was. God was offering to his people, to us, the gift of the Saviour, but just as that gift was freely offered to us by God, so the gift had to be freely accepted and received by us. God does not and will not force himself upon us - he awaits for us to respond to him in freedom and in love. And this of course is what being truly free means.

We know sadly from our own experience that it is sin which holds us back from saying "yes" to all that God asks of us. That sin can manifest itself in fear, in selfishness, in narrow ways of thinking, and these can all cut us off from the Lord. For our "yes" to God's gift of the Saviour to be fully free, profoundly human, with no hesitation or reluctance, we needed someone who, speaking in our name and expressing what is the very best in us, could give this "yes" on our behalf. Mary, who was never, not even at the very beginning of her life in her mother's womb, compromised or diminished by sin, did this for us. At the crucial moment in human history she was our representative. Her sinlessness meant that there was nothing stopping her from responding fully, freely and courageously to God - and the Word became flesh and lived among us.

We may struggle sometimes, even often, to give our total "yes" to God but we should rejoice that when it was needed most one of us was so free, through God's grace, that she could on our behalf and in our name say "yes" to the gift of the Saviour.

May the prayers of Mary help all of us to say "yes" to God more often, more joyfully and more totally. Then, like Mary, we too will become instruments through whom the Word can come into the lives of those we love and serve,

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you.