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  • Notre Dame Graduation Mass 2014

    St Mary's Cathedral overflowed with staff, students and their loved ones from the University of Notre Dame, Australia in attendance at the university's annual Graduation Mass.

  • Dealing with abuse is Church's core business

    At the blessing of refurbished premises that house the Catholic Church’s Professional Standards offices for Western Australia, Archbishop Costelloe said that dealing with child sexual abuse is the core business of the Church.

  • 19th-century life through the eyes of Salvado

    WA's State Library has recently displayed the Rosendo Salvado Exhibition featuring a rare collection 19th-century photographs and artefacts about Dom Rosendo Salvado, offering an invaluable and unique insight into Western Australia during this era

  • Gattline heads for new record

    The Annual Christmas Helpline run by St Kieran’s Parish Priest Fr Michael Gatt is heading for its 23rd year of service as tallies over the past two years’ festive seasons topped 100 calls.

  • Mary's Yes to Jesus

    From dawn to dusk, people flocked to St Mary's Cathedral to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, one of the principal feast days for the Archdiocese and for the cathedral.

  • Truth Justice Healing Council Report

    Archbishop Timothy Costelloe has responded positively to the recent release of the Truth Justice healing Council's Activity Report which describes the Council's activities driving the Church’s reform agenda in its response to the Royal Commission.

  • Sympathy and prayers for the Sydney siege

    The Australian Catholic Bishops extend the deepest sympathy and prayers of the Catholic Church in Australia to all people affected by the siege in Martin Place, Sydney which resulted in the loss of three lives earlier today.

  • Blaming celibacy is simplistic

    In an Opinion piece that appears in today's edition of The West Australian, Archbishop Costelloe of Perth challenges the simplistic attitudes of some who blame child sexual abuse solely on celibacy.

  • Archbishop Costelloe's 2014 Christmas Message

    Perth's Catholic Archbishop, the Most Rev Tim Costelloe, reflects this Christmas on the actions of diggers 100 years ago who laid down their weapons and chose peace over conflict and violence. He encourages us to seek out peace wherever possible.

  • Christmas Masses and services across Perth

    Looking for a local Christmas Mass or carols? Or maybe you're considering coming back to church this Christmas? Whatever your choice, you will be most welcome among us! This page lists details of Masses and services across Perth over Christmas.