Child Protection Expert Appointed by Archbishop


MEDIA RELEASE Embargoed until 00:00hrs on Sunday 14 September 2014


The Catholic Archbishop of Perth, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, has today announced that Andrea Musulin, Executive Officer of Protective Behaviours WA Inc and a police officer specialising in the areas of child protection, domestic violence, and school based policing, will take up the role of Safeguardian Project Coordinator for the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth.

Speaking about the appointment, Archbishop Costelloe said:

“Earlier this year I spoke about proposals being formed to consider the appointment and training of Child Safeguarding Officers in parishes across the Archdiocese of Perth. Today, I am pleased to announce that Andrea Musulin has been appointed to fulfil the role of Safeguardian Project Coordinator for the Archdiocese.

“It is imperative that we continue to do all we can to confront the horror of child sexual abuse with transparency and independence. There is no room for sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable people in the Catholic Church.

“Andrea brings with her a wealth of experience as Executive Officer of Protective Behaviours WA Inc and has for 25 years been a police officer specialising in the areas of child protection, domestic violence, and school based policing. My hope is that through her work she will help the Church to ensure that all possible measures are in place to protect children, young people and all vulnerable adults from any form of abuse and that our Catholic community is fully educated about this vital aspect of our life and mission.

“The Catholic community remains wholly committed to doing all it can to address the horrendous crimes of sexual abuse and to prevent the wrongdoings of the past from ever having to happen again. As I have said previously, we may not be able to change the past, but we must all continue to make every effort possible to change the future.”

As she looks ahead to beginning her crucial work among the Catholic community of Perth, Andrea Musulin said:

“The safety and security of all children is my passion. I therefore look forward to putting into practice the insights and skills I have gained in the area of child protection across Western Australia over the past 25 or so years.

“I am aware of the challenging pathway that lies ahead of me in this new position. I am, however, encouraged to see how seriously the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth is taking its obligation to do all it can to prevent the abuses of the past from ever happening again in the future.”

Andrea Musulin will commence her leave of absence with WA Police in the coming weeks and will take up her new role officially with the Archdiocese of Perth on 01 November 2014.


Interview requests with Andrea Musulin and further media enquiries to James Parker 0477 365618

About Andrea Musulin:

Andrea is the Executive Officer of Protective Behaviours WA Inc and has been with the organisation since 1993.
Andrea has been a police officer for 25 years and during this time she has specialised in the areas of child protection, domestic violence, and school based policing. Andrea was the Officer In Charge of the WA Police Family Unit before developing the first Shop Front Policing Facility in the Pilbara which saw her nominated as the first ever WA Police Officer nominated in the WA Customer Service Industry Awards in 1998. Andrea was successful in becoming one of five finalists in these awards for her extraordinary dedication and service to indigenous children and families in the Pilbara above and beyond the call of duty.
Andrea is highly regarded throughout WA as a powerful trainer and successful advocate and innovator in the prevention of child sexual abuse and she has an undying, infectious passion for the safety and security of all children.
In March 2011 Andrea was inducted into the WA Inaugural Women’s Hall of Fame as a Leader and Pioneer in Child Protection.
Andrea is also the Chairperson of the Carnarvon Family Support Service and as such oversees The Gascoyne Women’s Refuge, The Carnarvon Counselling Service, The Carnarvon Financial Counselling Service and the Child Sexual Abuse Response Service. Recently Andrea was instrumental in developing the first on air child protection program and in doing so has presented a series of Protective Behaviours Lessons to children living in rural and remote locations of WA utilizing the resources and support of The Carnarvon School of the Air.
Andrea is a mother of 6 children and openly shares her many humorous and endearing life experiences of raising resilient children in a modern and ever changing ever challenging world.

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