identitywa continues its support



Danny Wilkie outside his home in Balcatta. PHOTO: Supplied

As one of Western Australia’s leading agencies supporting people with a disability and their families, Identitywa provides a number of different support services to children and adults throughout the Perth metropolitan area.

Identitywa CEO Marina Re said the organisation is proud to be part of the Archdiocese of Perth and is committed to supporting people with a disability to lead a fulfilling life.

One such program run by Identitywa that demonstrates that commitment is the Accommodation, Respite and Recreation Services.

“Our accommodation services help family members achieve a new level of independence through living in a supported residential home,” Ms Re said.

“We understand that this is a major decision, and we’re here to support the individual and his or her family through the process,” she said.

Respite and Accommodation Services give individuals living with the disability the opportunity to develop social and life skills while also having fun with their peers.

“It also gives family members time to relax and to focus,” Ms Re said.

St Lawrence Balcatta parishioner Danny Wilkie, 60, is a great success story of the service.

Danny moved to his first home in Balcatta in 1998, together with two other men who also utilise the services of Identitywa. Prior to that, Danny had been living with his parents and sister in Wembley.

In speaking to eRecord Editor Jamie O’Brien about his experience of moving into his own home and the assistance he has received from Identitywa, Danny says it has been a great feeling.

The move was a timely one and, after Danny met with the two other residents a few times, Danny gained assistance with doing all the tasks necessary to live independently, such as various household chores and shopping.

Danny works at the Activ Foundation two days a week, then at an antiques shop another day a week, and then has the rest of the week to do gardening, go bowling, or play golf.

“I have represented Western Australia at the National Games and Special Games in ten-pin bowling in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Canberra,” Danny said.

“I have rated 6th, 7th and 8th place nationally and I am really proud of my achievements,” he said.

Danny also talked about some of his travels, including a trip to Israel and Rome in March 2000 with two other residents who are assisted by Identitywa.

“If I could something tomorrow, I would like to go on a holiday (again) like I did some years ago with a cruise to Singapore, then fly to Rome to see the Vatican and hopefully see the Pope, do a tour of the city and walk in the Colosseum, then fly back to Perth.”

Ms Re said that the vison, mission and vales of Identitywa, demonstrated through the assistance provided to Danny, are a constant guide to ensure the organisation maintains the high-quality service for which it has become known.

“At Identitywa, all people live with a sense of purpose, a sense of belonging and a sense of wellbeing,” Ms Re said.

“Identitywa works in partnership with individuals and families to build a community where people with disability enjoy a fulfilled life. We support individuals to achieve their goals, whatever they may be. We offer families the support they need.

“Above all else, we make a commitment to act. We will look for the opportunities rather than seeing the barriers. Our approach is objective, transparent and fair. We will always be honest and open and, no matter how challenging, we will see it through to the end,” she said.

Your support for the 2015 LifeLink Winter Appeal means that the work of organisations like Identitywa can continue to work with those most in need.

The aim this year is to raise more than $300,000 – a figure that is greatly needed to help agencies and organisations that assist those in need in a variety of situations – whether it be in the form of practical emergency assistance or long-term support.

To donate to LifeLink, go to or Click Here.