International learning grants open doors to global community for Notre Dame students
Max Agapitos (top right) took part in a service-learning experience in Kenya in 2014. He is here pictured with Notre Dame graduate, Isobel Best. Photo: Supplied
The University of Notre Dame Australia has secured close to $100,000 in funding to support overseas learning opportunities for students in 2017, through the Australian Government’s Endeavour Mobility Grants scheme.
The recent announcement by the Federal Minister for Education, Senator Simon Birmingham, takes Notre Dame’s total government funding for international student learning opportunities in 2017 to $402,700.
The Endeavour Mobility Grants encourage Australian students to experience the academic, social and cultural life of other countries and, in turn, provide international students with learning opportunities in Australia. It also seeks to strengthen institutional relationships with overseas providers through collaboration and student exchange.
In September, it was confirmed that Notre Dame would receive $310,200 from the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade’s New Colombo Plan to support immersion experiences in the Indo-Pacific Region for close to 100 students.
The Endeavour Mobility Grants will support student participation in the following projects in 2017:
- Study Abroad placements in France (Catholic University of Lyon) and in Canada (King’s University College) for a semester;
- a clinical immersion experience for students of the School of Medicine, Sydney, with the Calauan community in the Philippines;
- a clinical immersion experience for students of the School of Medicine, Fremantle, to complete their fourth- year medical electives in the Asia-Pacific region in countries such as the Cook Islands, India, Nepal, Thailand and Vanuatu; and
- a service-learning immersion in Kenya for students from the Schools of Arts & Sciences, Education and Medicine on the Sydney Campus, earning credit towards the Logos Programme.
- Education graduate, Max Agapitos, took part in the immersion trip to Kenya during his time at Notre Dame. He described it as an “emotional experience” which gave him the humility to look at home life in a different way.
“I learnt so much and am now motivated to give back to both the Kenyan people and my own community in my professional years,” Max said.
Professor Peta Sanderson, Pro Vice Chancellor of International and Research, says Notre Dame is committed to providing a quality learning experience for all students with a curriculum grounded in hands-on practice.
“The University is delighted at being able to provide quality international learning experiences, across a range of fields, for our students in 2017. There is something special and humbling about developing one’s professional skills in an environment unfamiliar to their own; and, in some cases, making a significant impact on the lives of people in the global community,” Professor Sanderson said.
“Notre Dame is appreciative of the Federal Government’s ongoing commitment to cross-institutional collaboration, the provision of international learning experiences for our students, as well as the marketing of Australia as a wonderful destination for student learning.”
For more information about Notre Dame’s the short-term mobility programs, including those supported by the Endeavour Mobility Grants and the New Colombo Plan, as well as Study Abroad options, please visit