East Cannington Church celebrates closure after 60 years


Parishioners of the former East Cannington Parish gathered on Sunday 19 February for the closing Mass of St Francis of Assisi Church East Cannington. Photo: Jamie O’Brien

By Daniele Foti-Cuzzola

A community of Catholics created a spiritual home at the St Francis of Assisi Church, where they had their faith nourished, said Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, at a recent closing Mass of the Church building, celebrated on Sunday 19 February.

“That wonderful faith was their cornerstone and foundation for their journey through life,” Bishop Sproxton said.


Bishop Don Sproxton proclaims the Eucharistic prayers during the closing Mass of St Francis of Assisi Church East Cannington. Photo: Jamie O’Brien

Bishop Sproxton celebrated the Mass in the adjoining demountable hall, with the Rev Dr Joseph Parkinson as con-celebrant, with the St Francis of Assisi Church community also marking the occasion by celebrating 60 years of baptisms, marriages, funerals and weekly Masses.


The first reading is proclaimed at the closing Mass of St Francis of Assisi Church East Cannington. Photo: Jamie O’Brien

The Mass, which was followed by an afternoon tea, was attended by more than 150 parishioners and their families, with Bishop Sproxton reminding them that their dedication, commitment and hard work to build the church and establish the (now former) Parish community, would continue to live on in their memories.

“The church building will always represent the Catholic community that gathered here to celebrate the very significant stages in the lives of ourselves and our loved ones,” he said.


Rev Dr Joseph Parkinson proclaims the Gospel at the closing Mass of St Francis of Assisi Church East Cannington. Photo: Jamie O’Brien

Bishop Sproxton explained that the St Francis of Assisi Church has weathered after so many years of use, and requires attention if it is to be ever used again. “For this reason,” he said, “we are celebrating the Mass in the hall.”

In a commemorative booklet to mark the occasion, several parishioners shared their stories of how the St Francis of Assisi Church and parish community impacted their lives.


Bishop Don Sproxton gives his homily at the closing Mass of St Francis of Assisi Church East Cannington. Photo: Jamie O’Brien

Mariannina shared how her family were parishioners at the now former East Cannington Parish (St Francis Church) from the time the family moved from Beckenham in 1978.

“My family was very involved in the parish life and we have many happy memories,” she said.


Bishop Don Sproxton gives his homily at the closing Mass of St Francis of Assisi Church East Cannington. Photo: Jamie O’Brien

Fellow parishioner Amalia shared how the parish played a pivotal part in her and her late husband, Nicola’s lives.

“The St Francis Church and parish has been a very special and important part of our lives.”



Parishioners bring the offertory gifts during the closing Mass of St Francis of Assisi Church East Cannington. Photo: Jamie O’Brien

Former organist Rosa spoke about what she learned and how her faith grew during a decade of former Parish Priest Fr DeGiorgio’s spirituality and example at St Francis Church.

“Simplicity of the faith: Father liked to keeping [sic] things simple and uncomplicated,” she said.


Parishioners celebrate with the cutting of a cake at the afternoon tea to celebrate the closing Mass of St Francis of Assisi Church East Cannington. Photo: Jamie O’Brien

“Homilies were warm, with Biblical content, instructing us how to apply it in our daily lives and often led to discussion after the Mass outside the Church or at morning tea,” she continued.

The St Francis of Assisi Church was officially opened in February 1957 by the then Archbishop Redmond Prendiville.

After land was purchased in approximately 1954 and originally part of the parish of Queens Park, work commenced on building the new Church on a self-help basis with designer and sub-contractor Fr J O’Farrell, together with Fr McGrath assisting the builders, Mr W Creemers and Mr Van Esch.


Members of the Choir at St Francis of Assisi Church East Cannington, with Auxiliary Bishop of Perth, Don Sproxton, who gathered for the closing Mass and afternoon tea of the St Francis of Assisi Church on Sunday 19 February, 2017. Photo: Jamie O’Brien

Records show the church was officially blessed on 17 February, 1957, with 2017 marking the 60th anniversary.

The construction and maintenance of the church was a labour of love by the East Cannington community, following the organisation of a number of fund raising events and the donations to fund the renovations.