Parish youth groups ramp up ACYF subsidy efforts


Bentley parishioners showed their support for Santa Clara Youth Ministry by enjoying its soup night and raffle on 8 June. Photo: Philemon Matthew Kho.

Numerous youth groups within the Archdiocese of Perth have made great strides in sponsoring their young people to attend the 2019 Australian Catholic Youth Festival.

Group registrations for the fourth biennial ACYF – set to be to be held at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre from 8 to 10 December – will close on Thursday 12 September 2019.

Quiz nights were held at Lockridge Parish (16 March), Gosnells Parish (23 June), Bateman Parish (13 July), and Kalgoorlie-Boulder Parish (3 August), with the most recent hosted by the new St Mary’s Cathedral youth group on 23 August.

Last weekend, Notre Dame Cloverdale Youth Group held a bingo and soup night ACYF fundraiser on 24 August.

Quest Youth Manning cooked up a storm with its sausage sizzle and bake sale fundraiser on 2 June, while Santa Clara Youth Ministry (Bentley Parish) kept warm with a tantalising soup night on 8 June in its parish hall.

Upcoming events include Somascan Youth of Spearwood Parish who invite all to attend its annual fundraising quiz night on Saturday 12 October, and Bateman Parish will hold a youth food fair after each of the morning Masses on Sunday 8 September.


Thinking caps were on at Lockridge Parish’s Good Shepherd ALIVE quiz night on 16 March. Photo: Feby Plando.


SMC Youth, a recently formed youth group of St Mary’s Cathedral, held a quiz night ACYF19 fundraiser on Friday 23 August. Photo: Josh Low

In the wake of its one-night "Veritas" festival taster on 9 August, Catholic Youth Ministry will host three “Ready! Set! Go!” ACYF formation sessions for all attendees on 20 September, 18 October, and 15 November at Servite College in Tuart Hill.

All funds garnered from these events will aid each respective parish’s youth group in registering their youths for the largest faith gathering in Australia for Catholics between Year 9 and 30 years old.


All smiles from the winning team of Bateman Parish’s quiz night, which was held at Corpus Christi College on 13 July. Photo: Supplied.


Notre Dame Cloverdale Youth Group held a bingo and soup night ACYF fundraiser on 24 August. Photo: Anthony Lim.

With an anticipated 5000 young people to take part in ACYF19, groups from every Australian state and territory have begun registering and preparing for an incredible and unique encounter of the Church in Australia.

The line-up of festival keynote speakers and performers include Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, Bishops Delegate for Youth and Wilcannia-Forbes Bishop Columba Macbeth-Green OSPPE, priest-musician Fr Rob Galea, international author Katie Prejean McGrady, American Catholic rapper Joe Melendrez, and Minderoo Foundation's Walk Free founder Grace Forrest.

Groups and individuals over 18 years can register as part of a local group or directly as an individual participant.

All participants aged under 18 years must register as part of a group.

The Festival registration process can be completed on mobile or tablet devices. Groups and individuals can register online at