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Safeguarding commended in the Archdiocese of Perth

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Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, front, with Safeguarding Program Director, Barbara Blayney, right, Executive Director, Finance and Administration, Greg Russo, back row second from left, Vicar General, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, Safeguarding Program Co-ordinator, Thomas Law and representatives from  National Catholic Safeguarding Ltd with the Certificate of Compliance. Photo: Michelle Tan

The Archdiocese of Perth has this week welcomed an inaugural audit of its safeguarding policies and practices, which found that the Archdiocese has implemented or substantially progressed 90 per cent of relevant indicators from the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (NCSS).

Conducted by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Ltd (ACSL) in collaboration with Australian Audit, the audit took place between July and September 2024.

Fieldwork during the audit period included visits to 27 parishes, seven agencies, three chaplaincies and three communities of the Archdiocese, in addition to interviews with diocesan leaders and key personnel.

Key strengths identified by the auditors included a strong public commitment to safeguarding in the archdiocese and an extensive safeguarding program with a network of dedicated volunteers in parishes and ministries:

  • The auditors noted that the Archdiocese has a strong public commitment to safeguarding that includes taking a zero-tolerance approach to abuse.
  • The Archdiocese’s network of dedicated safeguarding officers, all of whom are volunteers, was noted as essential for developing and sustaining a culture of safety in the parishes and agencies of the archdiocese.
  • The Archdiocese’s establishment of a centralised Safeguarding Program Office was commended, with the auditors noting the extensive support, advice and resources provided by the office to parishes and ministries.
  • Policies and procedures of the archdiocese were identified as comprehensive, thoroughly documented, reviewed regularly, easily accessible and championed by leaders.

The Archdiocese of Perth acknowledges that the final report includes a number of areas where enhancements can and will be made.

These areas include:  

  • Providing additional support and direction to members of the clergy to facilitate an increase in regular participation and access to existing professional/pastoral supervision, mentoring and programmes of ongoing formation.
  • Areas for growth included the recommendation that the archdiocesan-wide risk framework be extended to encompass further risk management practices in parishes. It was noted that the recent appointment of an Archdiocesan Risk and Compliance Manager will help to advance this work.
  • The report acknowledged that an extensive range of resources have been developed for the safeguarding of children. However additional resources for promoting the protection of adults at risk would be beneficial in parish and ministry settings.
  • While cultural safety training is available, the report suggested that further promotion and adoption in parishes is required to ensure personnel are equipped to create culturally safe environments.

Following the official release of the Archdiocese’s First Audit Report, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB expressed his gratitude to the Auditors for taking the time to conduct the audit and for compiling their observations in the audit report.

“This report will serve as an invaluable resource that will guide our safeguarding endeavours in the months and years ahead,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

“We are encouraged by the positive outcomes contained in this report and recommit ourselves anew to addressing areas noted for improvement, doing whatever is necessary to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all who engage in the settings and ministries of our Archdiocese,” he said.

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The Archdiocese of Perth has this week welcomed an inaugural audit of its safeguarding policies and practices, which found that the Archdiocese has implemented or substantially progressed 90 per cent of relevant indicators from the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards. Photo: Michelle Tan.

Archbishop Costelle continued by saying that on behalf of the Archdiocese of Perth, he reaffirms that the protection of children and vulnerable adults remains the Church’s highest priority.

“We will continue to work together to ensure the safety of children and adults at risk within our parishes, agencies and organisations,” Archbishop Costelloe explained.

“I am pleased to report that work has already commenced in the areas identified by the audit for further development. This will augment our safeguarding program and strengthen existing activities and practices,” he said.

Archbishop Costelloe also added that all those who work tirelessly in the Archdiocese in support of our Safeguarding Program – in our parishes, agencies, organisations and ministries – employees and volunteers - are all appreciated and valued.

“I sincerely thank each and every one of you,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

“But our work in promoting and providing absolute places of safety for children and adults at risk in our Church knows no boundary, no timeframes.

“We must, together, remain vigilant, committed, responsive and adaptive to ensue we deliver the best possible safeguarding program in the Archdiocese,” Archbishop Costelloe concluded.