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Visiting Lay Persons - Protocols for Approvals

Any lay persons from intrastate, interstate or overseas wishing to exercise any form of private or public ministry* in the Archdiocese of Perth are required to seek permission PRIOR to the event taking place and must meet the Archdiocesan screening requirements. 

This process must be completed at least two weeks PRIOR to the commencement of the visit.

In all instances the following submissions are necessary:

Please send all completed paperwork to the Office of the Vicar General via The Office of the Vicar General will provide the appropriate permission confirmation to you. 

Please note any form of private or public ministry within the Archdiocese is not permitted until all correspondence is received and permission has been formally granted.

It is expected that all laity or lay organisations, coming into the Archdiocese of Perth to provide any form of private or public ministry make themselves familiar with the principles and guidelines of the Integrity in Our Common Mission National Code of Conduct and the Archdiocese Code of Conduct documents.

*any activity within or delivered by an entity that is designed to carry out the good works of the Catholic Church.