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Archdiocesan Assembly



The 2023-2024 Perth Archdiocesan Assembly is the first of its kind for our Archdiocese.

Announced by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB in April 2023, it was launched on Trinity Sunday 4 June 2023 at St Mary’s Cathedral.

The Assembly will be held on 13 July 2024 with a day of formation being held on the 23 September 2023 in preparation for the Assembly.

It will focus primarily on the establishment of a Diocesan Pastoral Council (DPC) and how a DPC can reflect the process of synodality asked for by Pope Francis. This will enable us to address one of the final decrees of the Fifth Plenary Council of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Delegates were called from across the Archdiocese including priests, deacons, parishioners, representatives from Catholic Religious Western Australia and nominees from the many organisations and agencies involved in the work of the Church in Perth.

I wish to express my gratitude to the many parishes, zones of priests, agencies and other groups in the archdiocese who have engaged in the selection of delegates. Your engagement is greatly appreciated by the Archbishop and the Diocesan Assembly Reference Group.

I ask that within your agency you pray for all attending the Assembly in 2024.

A Perth Archdiocesan Assembly Prayer has been written. It is an adaptation of the Archdiocesan Prayer written by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB a number of years ago. This prayer has been placed on prayer cards and printed copies have been disseminated across the Archdiocese.

Once again, thank you to all who have entered into this time within our archdiocese of Journeying Together Led by the Spirit.

In Christ Jesus

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Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn EV
Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation



Archbishop Costelloe Pastoral Letter

11 April 2023

“While we are still awaiting from the Holy See the formal acceptance of the decrees of the Plenary Council, we can already begin to take steps to prepare ourselves for the important task of implementing the outcomes of the Plenary Council in our Archdiocese.

In view of this I am, with this letter, formally announcing that I am convening a Diocesan Assembly in order to consider the re-establishment of a Diocesan Pastoral Council.

Diocesan Pastoral Councils, though not mandated by the law of the Church, were very highly recommended by the Second Vatican Council. Under the leadership of Archbishops Goody and Foley, Perth did have a Diocesan Pastoral Council for some years, but it was discontinued in the late nineties. Our recent Plenary Council has called for the establishment or re-establishment of such Councils in every diocese, and I believe it is appropriate for us to decide whether or not the time is now right to make such a move. It is also important to clarify why such a body might be necessary and how it should operate. The Church’s law and traditions do give some indications and establish some parameters. Within these, however, we have ample scope for shaping such a body according to our local needs. At the same time, in response to the call of Pope Francis for a more synodal Church, we might ask ourselves what a Diocesan Pastoral Council might look like it if it is a truly synodal body. These are the questions I will ask the Diocesan Assembly to consider.

Some practical decisions have already been made. The Assembly will take place on Saturday 23 September and will be held at Newman College in Churchlands. Mr Tony Giglia, who co-ordinated our engagement with both the Plenary Council and with the consultations for the forthcoming Synod, has been appointed as the Co-Ordinator of the Assembly. Tony will soon be communicating the process for selecting the delegates to the Assembly to parishes and other Church communities and agencies. The delegates will come from all areas of the life of the Archdiocese. Tony will also be responsible for preparing resources for the formation of delegates and for devising the methodology to be used during the Assembly. 

The convening of this Diocesan Assembly is a relatively modest initiative, but it is designed to set a pattern for ongoing consultation and discernment which I hope will become a permanent feature of the life of our Archdiocese in the future. We must continue together along the path of becoming “a synodal Church (which) is a listening Church, aware that listening is more than hearing. It is a reciprocal listening in which everyone has something to learn”.

Yours Sincerely in Christ,

+Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB
Archbishop of Perth

Download the Pastoral Letter


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Gracious God,

You have blessed our archdiocese with many gifts,
and you call us to share those gifts with others.
We thank you for this call and commit ourselves anew
to responding with courage and generosity.

In this time of challenge and hope for the Church,
you invite us to start afresh from Christ your Son
and to contemplate his face
so that we might recognise him in others.
As we enter the preparation, formation and experience
of our Diocesan Assembly, may we experience
a new wave of grace as we journey together led by the Spirit.

Bless our Diocesan Assembly Delegates,
attune their hearts and minds to the presence of your Holy Spirit
in all their listening and discernment.
May all be open to the voice and guidance of the Holy Spirit
that our Church may be transformed,
our archdiocese be a sign to the world of your presence with us,
our relationships be healed,
and our nation grow in compassion and justice.

With the intercession of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop,
who showed us new ways of living the Gospel,
we make our prayer through Christ our Lord.


Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us.


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Archdiocesan Assembly Logo FINAL_web

The Perth Archdiocesan Assembly logo uses the colours found on the crest of the Archdiocese of Perth: gold, red, and blue. The following describes the graphical elements and their symbolisms:

  • The golden sun represents Western Australia and a new dawn - an important and promising turning point for the Archdiocese of Perth.
  • The second circle in white represents the Eucharist, which is at the heart of our Catholic faith, focusing our attention on the goal of Christ’s return.
  • The image of the Cross reminds us of the sacrifice of Christ and His redeeming love for all.
  • The image of the flames representing the Holy Spirit is red in colour to convey confidence. The fluidity found in the imagery shows movement and forwardness.

FORMATION DAY - 23 September 2023

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Archbishop Costelloe

What is a Diocesan Assembly, Synodality & Recommendations of a DPC

It really is very exciting, I think for all of us to be able to gather here this morning.

As Tara just explained to you, I am going to be basically talking about synodality, Diocesan Pastoral Council, and all those kinds of things. It is really meant to be described as a keynote address; I would prefer to think of it as a kind of an introduction to all of the good things that are going to be part of our time here today.

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Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn

Synodality and Listening & Discernment

Most of you, of course, have received a few letters from me over the last few months, and I must say, I am really pleased to see you all here in front of me.
When the names came in the list was given to me, it was good to see many parishes and agencies and various works of the Archdiocese respond.

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Dr Carmel Suart

Diocesan Pastoral Council and Canon Law

For us to take our task of establishing a Diocesan Pastoral Council in a synodal way, understanding the role and function of such a council is crucial. 


Archdiocesan Assembly - 13 July 2024


Archbishop Costelloe

Archdiocesan Assembly Closing Address

Normally, when I have to give a closing address, I've had a chance to prepare it days beforehand and type it all out and know exactly what I wanted to say. But I prepared absolutely nothing for this afternoon, because I wanted to be able just to respond to what the day has brought forth, at least as I've been experiencing it myself. So, I've got about 10 pages of scribbled notes here, I'm not going to go through all of them.


Bishop Sproxton

Diocesan Assembly 2024 Speech

Today the first Assembly of the 21st century meets.

The first ever Assembly for the Archdiocese of Perth occurred in 1990 and it brought to completion the Year of Mission initiated by Archbishop William Foley. I was asked to join the YoM Team in February of that year.


Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn

Welcome Speech

I echo the words of Bishop Don in saying that it's so lovely to see you all here this morning.

I also want to thank you and to say how lovely it was to know that so many of you over the last 10 months, have attended the formation sessions offered through the Centre for Faith Enrichment to help us to understand what is listening and discernment.



Assembly - Final Report and Synthesis

FRONT PAGE Archdiocesan Assembly  Pastoral Matters - Synthesis 

Archdiocesan Assembly  Pastoral Matters - Synthesis



FRONT PAGE Archdiocesan Assembly DPC Composition  Synthesis 

Archdiocesan Assembly DPC Composition  Synthesis


FRONT PAGE Archdiocesan Assembly Final Report FINAL 

Archdiocesan Assembly Final Report Working Document COMPLETE JOB v3

FRONT PAGE Archdiocesan Assembly Reflection of the Journey - Synthesis 

Archdiocesan Assembly Reflection of the Journey - Synthesis






Interview with Fr Eamonn Conway – Listening and Discernment


Interview with Fr Eamonn Conway – Synodality and What is a Diocesan Pastoral


Synodality with Rev Fr Orm Rush