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Modern Slavery Statement

Statement from The Most Reverend Timothy Costelloe SDB
Archbishop of Perth
We welcome the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) and the increased awareness, requirement for due diligence and responsibility that this legislation brings to Australian organisations, including the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth.
We hope that this shared commitment between government, business and community, will bring real and lasting improvement and change to labour supply and working conditions at both national and global levels as well as within local jurisdictions, such as Western Australia.
It is important to recognise that modern slavery is a significant and complex human rights issue which challenges us as a Catholic community to respond with the kind of love of neighbour illustrated by the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25 – 37). This means that we take the opportunity and the responsibility to create a future of hope for the victim trapped in slavery by doing all we can to eradicate the risk of modern slavery from our organisational structures.
This call to action is also reflected in our professed faith which we live out in community through decisions and actions informed by Catholic social teaching and its principle of the innate dignity of the human person (Catholic Social Doctrine Compendium, n 145), meaning we take seriously the moral obligation to:
- identify structural abuses and weak or failed governance systems so as to reduce or eradicate systemic problems that allow modern slavery to perpetuate;
- become vigilant with regards to purchasing choices and risk management; and
- willingly collaborate with others to eradicate the crime of modern slavery.
This is our first public disclosure that specifically addresses the very real risk that modern slavery is present in our operations and supply chains. It has been prepared in line with the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).
Statement from Our Executive
We are pleased to present our first Modern Slavery Statement as we commit further to sustainable business practices informed by Catholic ethical thought and the Gospel imperative of neighbourly love.
The term ‘modern slavery’ is used to describe a range of exploitative practices including human trafficking, forced labour, the worst forms of child labour and where threats or deception are used to exploit victims and undermine or deprive them of their freedom.
Tackling modern slavery is a difficult issue which requires continuous commitment and ongoing focus.
We recognise our responsibility and the opportunity to help eradicate modern slavery.
We also recognise that collaboration between our people, suppliers and participants in our supply chain is an effective and sustainable way to combat modern slavery.
We acknowledge that our risk management program will be based upon continual improvement, which ultimately will ensure our personnel and suppliers uphold our values and commitment to prevent modern slavery.
Any form of modern slavery is unacceptable and so we will continue to assess and address the risk of modern slavery within our operations and supply chain into the future.
Supported by ACAN, we will develop risk action plans to mitigate risk exposures from our procurement processes incorporating due diligence procedures and the adoption of supplier agreement clauses.
This statement has been approved by The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth.
Mr Daniel Lynch
Executive Director
Office of the Archbishop -
Mr Gregory Russo
Executive Director
Finance and Administration