Information Governance

Archives_Office_RIM_Strategy_Booklet_COVERThe Catholic Archdiocese of Perth recognises that its records and information are strategic organisational assets. As such, the Archives Office has responsibility for the records and information of the  Archdiocese and has commissioned the development of strategy to guide the ongoing development and maturity of its information management. The strategy is titled Serving the Church in the Digital Age: The Archdiocese of Perth’s Information Governance Strategy. This strategy presents the salient and fundamental elements of records and information management required to ensure a firm foundation for acknowledging and using records and information as valuable strategic assets. From this foundation, the Archdiocese can work towards leveraging the advantages of these assets. It sets out the vision, principles and strategic priorities associated with sound records and information management, together with a selection of important tools and frameworks. In addition, it provides suggestions for implementation and ways to measure a successful records and information management program. The strategy is complemented by an information plan which identifies the activities to support the achievement of the strategic priorities and a suggested sequence for addressing these activities.

Importantly, this strategy has been informed by the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (NCSS) and its National Catholic Safeguarding Standards Implementation Guide (NCSSIG) as it relates to records and information management. It is also informed by the business needs of the organisation.

Please refer to the links below to access the Archdiocese’s Records and Information Governance Strategies and Policies

Records and Information Governance Strategy:

PDF Information Governance Strategy

Records and Information Governance Policies:

PDF Policy 01 - Access, Use and Security of Records

PDF Policy 02 - Creation, Capture and Control of Records

PDF Policy 03 - Disaster Management for Records Policy

PDF Policy 04 - Email Management

PDF Policy 06 - Privacy and Confidentiality

PDF Policy 05 - Records and Mobile Technologies

PDF Policy 09 - Records and Social Media

PDF Policy 07 - Records Management

PDF Policy 08 - Retention and Disposal of Records

PDF Policy 10 - Storage and Maintenance of Records

PDF Policy 11 - Vital Records

PDF Policy 12 - Web Content Records Management

PDF Policy 13 - Data Governance

PDF Policy 14 - Cloud Services

Records and Information Governance Procedures:

PDF Archdiocesan Naming Convention