Week 1
CHRISTMAS 2015 - Christ comes alive in hearts and minds of Perth at Christmas
Christ comes alive in hearts and minds of Perth at Christmas: St Mary’s Cathedral was last month overwhelmed with visitors and regular parishioners as the local community from far and wide came together to celebrate the birth of Christ.
Geraldton Cathedral to be restored to original glory
2016 marks the 100th year since work began on Geraldton’s St Francis Xavier Cathedral, often described as the most unique Cathedral in Australia.
Centre for Liturgy prepares to hold Music workshops
The Archdiocese of Perth’s Centre for Liturgy is making preparations to hold a workshop presenting music for celebrations during the Jubilee Year of Mercy.
Beaconsfield Parish Priest celebrates Golden Jubilee
It’s a long way from St Coleman’s Cathedral, in Newry - Northern Ireland, where Fr Liam Keating SMA was first ordained, to Christ the King Parish in Beaconsfield, Perth, Western Australia, where he now resides as Parish Priest.