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COVID Directives for Holy Week in the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth
COVID-19 Directives: 2021 Holy Week in the Archdiocese of Perth
22 March 2021
Download the full text in PDF
These archdiocesan directives have been prepared to comply with the spirit of the renewed directives from the Vatican and with reference to the Western Australian Government regulations and recommendations and the particular conditions pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic as presently experienced in Western Australia. Parish priests and liturgy planners should make local decisions based on these directives.
The following archdiocesan/government requirements for gatherings in places of worship are to be observed.
Contact Registers
• Contact Registers are mandatory at all places of worship to assist with contact tracing.
• The WA Government’s SafeWA App provides an efficient and safe way to record contact details, by allowing people to easily check-in at businesses and venues. Paper-based contact registers must also be provided at all places of worship.
Capacity Restrictions & General Restrictions
• Places of worship may have up to 75% of their authorised venue capacity.
• Appropriate physical distancing is to be observed.
• Parish newsletters or bulletins should not be re-used.
• Hymnals or shared copies of texts are not to be used.
• Offertory Processions are to be omitted.
• The Sign of Peace is to be omitted, or given without physical contact.
• Physical distancing between people in the Communion Procession is to be observed.
• People should be encouraged to receive Holy Communion on the hand, although Holy Communion on the tongue is not forbidden.
• The faithful are dispensed from the usual Sunday obligation.
Palm Sunday (Sunday, 28 March 2021)
Any of the three (3) options for the Palm Sunday “procession” provided in the Roman Missal can be used, as long as the following principles are maintained:
• Any gathering of people outside the church or at the entrance to the church for the blessing of the palms must be able to make provision for appropriate physical distancing according to government recommendations.
• If palms are provided by the parish at the church they must not be left after Mass for use by others at a later Mass. New stocks of palms/branches must be provided for each successive Mass.
• The palms carried by the people can still be blessed with Holy Water which has been blessed prior to the Mass for this particular occasion.
• All other COVID-19 government requirements for gatherings in places of worship must be observed.
Chrism Mass (Tuesday, 30 March 2021)
The Chrism Mass will be celebrated at St Mary’s Cathedral on Tuesday, 30 March, 7.00pm.
Given the requirement for social distancing and the government-mandated limit on numbers, a general invitation has not been sent to parishes and church organisations this year.
Instead, to ensure compliance with government regulations regarding maximum numbers, Fr Sean Fernandez (Dean, St Mary’s Cathedral) has already issued an invitation to each parish to nominate seven (7) people (this does not include the parish clergy) to represent their parish at this Mass. Nominations are to be emailed by parishes to the St Mary’s Cathedral Office: cathedral@perthcatholic.org.au All participants (clergy and laity) will be required to provide contact details, either by using the WA Safe App or filling in a contact resister at St Mary’s Cathedral.
Inquiries regarding the Chrism Mass are to be directed to Fr Sean Fernandez, Dean, St Mary’s Cathedral: cathedral@perthcatholic.org.au
The Procession of the Oils will be adapted to ensure compliance with government regulations.
It will not be possible to have a supper after the Chrism Mass this year.
All other COVID-19 government requirements and archdiocesan requirements for gatherings in places of worship, as specified above in relation to Palm Sunday, must be observed.
Holy Thursday (Thursday, 1 April 2021)
Washing of the Feet
The ceremony of the Washing of Feet is optional. If a local community decides to go ahead with this ceremony, it is recommended that the number of people whose feet are to be washed be reduced to four, that physical distancing of the four people is clearly observed and observable by all participants, that the celebrant sanitizes his hands after each person’s feet have been washed, and that there is a separate bowl, jug and towel for each of the four people concerned.
Procession of the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Repose
If the positioning of the Altar of Repose allows for appropriate physical distancing of those who wish to remain after Mass for silent prayer, the procession can proceed as usual. If the positioning of the Altar of Repose does not allow for this, the procession can still take place in some form, but the Blessed Sacrament should be returned to the main tabernacle.
All other COVID-19 government requirements and archdiocesan requirements for gatherings in places of worship, as specified above in relation to Palm Sunday, must be observed.
Good Friday (Friday, 2 April 2021)
Because of the traditionally large numbers who attend Good Friday liturgies, particular attention will need to be paid to the enforcing of limits in terms of numbers able to be accommodated in the place of worship.
Stations of the Cross
For the Stations of the Cross all COVID-19 government requirements and archdiocesan requirements for gatherings in places of worship, as specified above in relation to Palm Sunday, must be observed.
Celebration of the Passion of the Lord
As happened in 2020 a special prayer (see text below) should be added to the Universal Prayer.
Prayer for Special Intention
For those who find themselves in distress
Let us pray for those who are suffering deep distress or illness due to the COVID-19 Virus.
Almighty, ever-living God,
In your great mercy hear the prayer of your Church and bring healing and hope to this world so stricken with the pandemic. Help those who are suffering in so many ways and show them the depths of your great love.
Through Christ, our Lord.
Adoration of the Cross
Either forms one (1) or two (2), as specified in the Roman Missal (pages 362-363), can be used. Only the main celebrant and a small group (no more than five or six, representative of the parish) should approach the cross individually for adoration. No one is to touch or kiss the cross. A simple genuflexion or a profound bow is appropriate. Only one cross is to be used.
Once this small group has venerated the cross, there should be some moments of silence, or the singing of a suitably simple and reflective hymn, while people, remaining in their places, pause in contemplation of the cross. If practicable, the Cross may be held high by acolytes/servers so that it can more easily be seen by the congregation.
All other COVID-19 government requirements and archdiocesan requirements for gatherings in places of worship, as specified above in relation to Palm Sunday, must be observed.
Easter Vigil (Saturday, 3 April 2021)
Blessing of the Fire
Any gathering of people outside the church or at the entrance to the church for the blessing of the Easter Fire must make provision for appropriate physical distancing according to government recommendations. It is suggested that a small group of parishioners, representative of the local community, be present at the fire while the rest of the congregation waits in the Church.
Only the parish representatives would have candles lit from the Paschal Candle. They could take part in the procession of the Paschal Candle through the darkened church and gather, with appropriate physical distancing, around the Paschal Candle, while the Exsultet is proclaimed, after which they would return to the places in the congregation.
Lighted candles would not be used for the renewal of Baptismal Promises.
Sacraments of Initiation and Rites of Reception
For RCIA catechumens and candidates the following directives should be observed:
• Fresh baptismal water must be used for each candidate.
• Full immersion baptism is prohibited unless the water in the baptismal pool is drained between candidates. The baptismal pool must subsequently be cleaned and disinfected after each full immersion. Water used during the baptisms must not be left accessible to the congregation after the celebration.
• For the anointing with Chrism at baptism, the celebrant should use cotton balls with a separate one for each candidate. Used cotton balls must disposed of appropriately after the celebration.
For the anointing with Chrism at Confirmation the celebrant should use cotton balls with a separate one for each candidate. Used cotton balls must disposed of appropriately after the celebration.
Renewal of Baptismal Promises
The People can be sprinkled with Holy Water blessed at the Easter Vigil as long as it has been kept separate from the Holy Water used for the baptisms. As indicated above lighted candles will not be used for the renewal of Baptismal Promises.
All other COVID-19 government requirements and archdiocesan requirements for gatherings in places of worship, as specified above in relation to Palm Sunday, must be observed.
Easter Sunday (Sunday, 4 April 2021)
If the Creed is replaced by the renewal of baptismal promises the People can be sprinkled with Holy Water blessed at the Easter Vigil as long as it has been kept separate from the Holy Water used for the baptisms. Lighted candles will not be used for the renewal of Baptismal Promises.
All other COVID-19 government requirements and archdiocesan requirements for gatherings in places of worship, as specified above in relation to Palm Sunday, must be observed.
Remaining COVID Safe
WA remains in a State of Emergency, and various restrictions are enforceable by fines of up to $50,000 for individuals and $250,000 for businesses. Police officers also have the power to issue $1000 on-the-spot fines.
It’s important to maintain physical distancing where possible and use good personal hygiene to protect yourself and the general health of our community.
Further updates from the Western Australian Government can be accessed on the WA Government’s COVID-19 website: https://www.wa.gov.au/government/covid-19-coronavirus
Further updates relevant to the Archdiocese of Perth can be accessed on the dedicated COVID-19 page on the archdiocesan website:http://www.perthcatholic.org.au/COVID19.htm