Transition Out of Lockdown - Perth metro, Peel and South West


Revised Directives within the  
Catholic Archdiocese of Perth from
The Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB
Archbishop of Perth

Transition Out of Lockdown - Perth metro, Peel and South West

Ref: 2021.03
5 February 2021

Download the full text in PDF

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Transition Out of Lockdown - Perth metro, Peel and South West

At his press conference last night, Premier Mark McGowan advised that if there are no further cases, the five (5) day lockdown for the Perth, Peel and South West regions will end at 6pm, Friday, 5 February 2021.

Metropolitan Perth and the Peel region will then enter into a post lockdown transition period until 12.01am on Sunday, 14 February 2021 if no further community cases are reported.

Reopening of Schools in the Perth and Peel Regions – Monday, 8 February 2021

Under the post lockdown transition measures, schools in the Perth and Peel regions will re-open on Monday, 8 February.  Masks are required to be worn by all visiting clergy, school staff and secondary students.  Masks are not required for primary school students.  Clergy are able to visit schools wearing a mask at all times and must register their attendance at the school site by completing the Contact Register provided at the school.

Click Here for ‘Principal Briefing #7 – 2021’ (Friday, 5 February 2021) from Dr Debra Sayce, Executive Director of Catholic Education Western Australia, to assist you in your ministry with your parish and local secondary Colleges, mindful of the scheduled Masses in place to commence the year in each of these school communities.

School Masses during the post lockdown transition period

On advice from the Chief Health Officer, school Masses, assemblies and other school gatherings may go ahead on school grounds without restriction when there are only students, staff and the priest in attendance.  If parents are planning to attend an assembly or Mass, the principal must ensure that there is a maximum of 150 adults in total in the assembly hall and that the 4 square metre rule is maintained.  The 4 square metre capacity rule applies, up to a maximum of 150 people, for school Masses held in parish churches (places of worship).

The following restrictions most directly apply to the clergy, agencies, staff and the operations of the Archdiocese of Perth for the post lockdown transition period

  • masks are mandatory when in public, while inside places of worship and while at workplaces;
  • places of worship can reopen;
  • the 4 square metre capacity rule applies for places of worship and workplaces, up to a maximum of 150 people;
  • 150-person capacity limits apply to all events including Masses, weddings and funerals;
  • visits to aged care and disability care facilities are restricted to compassionate grounds only; and
  • only essential travel is permitted in and out of the Perth and Peel regions to other parts of WA.

Places of worship can re-open from 6pm on Friday, 5, February 2021 if no more community cases are reported with the following conditions:

  • the 4 square metre capacity rule applies for places of worship, up to a maximum of 150 people;
  • hand sanitizers are to be available at each entrance to every place of worship;
  • all priests and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are to wash their hands in soap and water, or are to use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser both immediately before and immediately after the distribution of Holy Communion;
  • masks are mandatory for clergy and attendees at all places of worship at all times (including the priest for the entirety of the celebration of the Mass); and
  • the faithful are dispensed from the usual Sunday obligation.

Contact Registers and the Safe WA App will continue as part of post-lockdown life.  It is mandatory for all places of worship, all parish offices and facilities to ensure that a contact register is available for all attendees at each of these premises.

The WA Government’s full announcement outlining all restrictions relevant to the lockdown and post lockdown transition period can be found at:

Further updates relevant to the Archdiocese of Perth will be communicated on an ongoing basis in response to these developing circumstances and made available on the dedicated COVID-19 page on the website of the Archdiocese of Perth:

Yours sincerely in Christ,


Most Rev. Timothy Costelloe SDB
Archbishop of Perth
Catholic Archdiocese of Perth