Archbishop announces new roles for Archdiocesan Plan implementation

MEDIA RELEASEFor immediate release12 July 2016


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Summary copies of the new Archdiocesan Plan have now been sent for distribution to parish communities, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe has this week announced.

The Archbishop has also announced the appointment of the Vicars who will assume responsibility for key strategy areas as outlined in the Plan.

  • Episcopal Vicar for Adult Faith Formation and Parish Renewal – Bishop Don Sproxton
  • Episcopal Vicar for Archdiocesan Growth and Development – Fr Peter Whitely
  • Episcopal Vicar for Communications and Media – Fr Peter Whitely
  • Episcopal Vicar for Clergy (continuing) – Fr Brian McKenna
  • Vicar for Outreach to Those in Need – Dr Terry Wilson

Over the next few months, each of the Vicars will determine what support structures they will need in order to begin to implement details of the Archdiocesan Plan. The resourcing of these support structures will be overseen by Archdiocesan CEO-Administration, Mr Greg Russo.

In due course, after discussions with the Vicars and Mr Russo, the Archbishop will propose a review structure which will enable the Archdiocese to monitor and review the progress of implementation of the Plan across its proposed five year life span.

The Archbishop also explained that a communications plan will be developed to ensure that regular updates of progress are communicated as widely as possible.

“It is worth recalling that Vicars, including Vicars General, Episcopal Vicars and (lay) Vicars share in the governance of the diocese in those areas delegated to them by the Bishop,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

“Vicars General (Bishop Don and Fr Peter Whitely) exercise the ordinary authority of the bishop, always according to the mind of the bishop. Other vicars have delegated authority in the areas entrusted to them specifically by the bishop,” he added.

The Archdiocese of Perth also has two other episcopal vicars, those being the Episcopal Vicar for Health, Fr Richard Smith, and the Episcopal Vicar for Migrants, Fr Benedict Lee.

“Thank you for your support in these initial stages of the development and implementation of the Archdiocesan Plan,” the Archbishop said.

“Let us entrust its success to the Lord, and to the prayers of the patron of our Archdiocese, Mary, the Mother of the Lord and the Church,” he concluded.

For further information or comment
Brett Mendez
Media Manager – Archdiocese of Perth
Telephone: 08 9313 2241
Mobile: 0448 791 661