Perth students unite to support people in need in WA

MEDIA RELEASEFor immediate release26 May 2016


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550 primary school students and teachers, representing 74 of 90 Catholic Primary Schools in the Archdiocese of Perth, will next month ‘link up’ to celebrate the official launch of the ‘Archbishop’s 2016 LifeLink Day’ and ‘Year of Mercy’ event, and demonstrate their collective care, compassion and support for people in need within the community.

This special event will take place on Wednesday 8 June 2016 at Lake Monger Reserve (Dodd Street area) commencing at 10.00am which will be jointly hosted by Perth Catholic Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB and Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA).

More than 32,000 primary school students will participate in ‘Link Up on LifeLink Day’ prior to this official launch, an activity which encourages young students from Years K-6 to make a gold coin donation for a ‘paper link’ which represents their generous support for one person in need.

The students then join their individual links in ‘class chains’ and schools join all these class chains into one long ‘school chain’. At the LifeLink Day Launch on 8 June, school chains will be joined together into one, long, continuous chain... a powerful and visual demonstration of what can be achieved when we join together to make a real difference in the lives of those who reach out to us for help.

Archbishop Costelloe says the event will be strong sign of love and mercy for people in need, and a positive demonstration of ‘Faith in Action’ which is particularly important in this special Jubilee Year of Mercy, as proclaimed by Pope Francis in 2015.

“Though my annual LifeLink Day initiative, our young people are made aware of the many hardships facing so many people in our community, and how the Church responds to this need through our LifeLink social service agencies. This is going to be exciting opportunity for us to join as ‘one Catholic family’ to demonstrate what can be achieved when we all join together, united by Faith and guided by love, to care for our brothers and sisters in need.

In this Year of Mercy, which has captured the hearts and minds of so many people around the world – Catholics and non-Catholics – we remember how important it is to have a spirit of generosity or to be ‘large-hearted’ as I like to say” said Archbishop Costelloe.

Established in 1994, LifeLink is the Archdiocese of Perth’s umbrella organisation which supports the Church’s many social service agencies. LifeLink agencies reach out to more than 34,000 Western Australian families and individuals in need each year, delivering more than $54 million dollars of professional programs and practical assistance throughout the State.

LifeLink supported agencies reach out to care for people battling homelessness, people with disability, the deaf and hard of hearing, women and children escaping domestic violence or abuse, the long term unemployed or disadvantaged, people with mental health issues, the lonely and the isolated.

“My hope is that more than 34,000 links will be joined together on 8 June – one for every person assisted by a LifeLink agency each year in WA. In this Year of Mercy, may this example of our Catholic young people inspire people of all faiths, all ages, to open their hearts and help everyone in need in the community. As individuals, this challenge may seem overwhelming but when we join together, and all do something small, great things can and will be achieved”, said Archbishop Costelloe.

Media organisations are warmly invited to attend this event.

For further information or comment
Brett Mendez
Media Manager – Archdiocese of Perth
Telephone: 08 9313 2241
Mobile: 0448 791 661