Archbishop's Statement on Church's Announcement to enter National Redress Scheme

MEDIA RELEASEFor immediate release30 May 2018


A Statement by the Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB, Catholic Archbishop of Perth
Wednesday 30 May, 2018

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Church announces it will enter the National Redress Scheme for Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

“I am very pleased that the Catholic Church has announced that it will enter the National Redress Scheme for survivors of child sexual abuse, when this becomes possible under National and State Government legislation.

Since 2013, the Catholic Church has consistently called for a national redress scheme for survivors of child sexual abuse. Survivors of this terrible abuse have a right to redress, and it is both necessary and appropriate that the institutions in which the abuse occurred should now be the ones who provide support.

It is equally important that those who administer this scheme should be independent of the Institutions in which the abuse occurred. The establishment of a truly National scheme will ensure that this is the case.

The announcement today fulfils a commitment made by myself and the other senior Catholic Archbishops in Australia, and many other Catholic Church Authorities in Australia, during the final public hearings of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. I am relieved that this commitment is being honoured.

In relation to our situation in Western Australia, as the Catholic Archbishop of Perth I am fully committed to joining and supporting the Redress Scheme once any necessary legislation required for this to happen has been passed by the West Australian parliament.

Further media enquiries should be directed to:
Mr Brett Mendez, Media Manager, Catholic Archdiocese of Perth
Telephone: 08 9313 2241 Mobile: 0448 791 661