Same Sex Marriage Debate

                      For immediate release10 August 2017

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Discussion about the issue of "same-sex" marriage is intensifying following the decision to conduct a postal plebiscite on this matter. In my role as Catholic Archbishop of Perth, I wish to emphasise that the Church's formal position, based on its long-standing tradition, is grounded in a number of fundamental principles. 

Chief among them are these: firstly that the Church continues to propose that marriage should continue to be regarded in law as a voluntary union between a man and a woman, entered into for life; and secondly that there should be no unjust discrimination towards same-sex attracted people. 

The first principle is based, among other things, on the intimate connection between marriage and family, and on the widely-recognised right of any children born of a marriage to be raised, as far as possible, in a stable environment by their natural mother and father. 

The second principle is based on the conviction that every person, irrespective of race, colour, creed, or intellectual capacity, has the right, simply by virtue of their humanity, to be treated with dignity, respect, and freedom from persecution or harassment.

My primary responsibility as Archbishop is to present and explain the Church’s teaching to my own people, which I will continue to do. As a Catholic community, we will seek to propose our understanding of the issues involved to our wider society without seeking to impose our views on anybody.

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB
Catholic Archbishop of Perth

For further information or comment, please contact:
Mr Brett Mendez, Media Manager, Archdiocese of Perth
Telephone: 08 9313 2241 Mobile: 0455 099 652